
The mission of Hamilton Primary School is to provide a 
to children living primarily in the natural feeder area of the 
possible in the pursuance of EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION.

In the middle or our city stands a building that we know
It's a building that we love in many ways.
Its beauty and its splendour tell a story of their own
Filled with treasure of long forgotten days.
It's our school that we've learnt to love and care for
It's a building that is now our second home.
Within its caring walls there's always love and laughter
Like a friend that's always there when you're alone.
Hamilton, someday we'll have to leave you
To move ahead and make our dreams come true.
But when we do we know that we'll be richer than before
No matter where we go you'll always be there.
With help from God above you'll put us right where we go wrong
And your motto is a special part of every day we live,
Do for others, and we know that we'll be strong.
Everybody needs a refuge when he feels afraid and tired
And a shoulder to cry on when in pain.
When he needs a loving word or a hand to help him right
You are there with your guidance once again.
You will always be remembered by your pupils, young and old,
And the wisdom that we gained will never fade.
While we walk these corridors, we'll wear the blue and gold
And be proud to uphold your dignity and grace.
Hamilton Primary School           	TELEPHONE:	    012 322 6567/8 
Visagie Street                   		    FAX:      		         012 320 5664	
 School starts at 07:30 and ends at 13:45 for Gr R to Gr 7, and LSEN. First Break is from 09:30 - 09:45 and Second Break is from 11:45 - 12:00.
 Learners must be at school at least 10 minutes before the bell rings.
 Learners not involved with extra-mural activities and who are not members of  the After-School Centre, must leave the school 
premises by 14:00.
 The After-School Centre operates from 13:45 to 17:30.
 Learners must report to the After-School Centre promptly at 13:50.
 After-School Centre application forms are available from the office on request.
 When learners leave for home, they must be signed off by the parent.
 The After-School Centre is closed for the duration of all school holidays public holidays and during 
the month of December. The After School Centre will close on the last day  of November every year.
 After School fees are payable strictly in advance by the 7 of each month January to November and the principle
 of no pay no stay applies. Allow your child to bring play clothes to the ASC to play in.
There will be no homework classes during the first and last weeks of every term.
Hamilton School           	TEL NO. 012-322 6567  
Visagie Street            	        FAX NO. 012-320 5664
Clothing Shop Times :
Monday and Wednesday mornings 07:00 - 07:15 (no fitting)
Monday and Wednesday afternoons 13:50 - 14:45
End of year fitting by appointment for new learners only

6.1 SUMMER : 
       Yellow and white check dress, white or skin-tone full cotton
       panties or short black or navy blue ski pants (no G-strings )
       normal black shoes and short white socks. Navy Dri - mac is for rainy days only.
       Khaki shorts, side elastic, khaki shirt, 
        normal black school shoes with socks
        navy with 3 gold stripes. Navy Dri - mac is for rainy days only.

6.2 WINTER : 
       Grey skirt/grey long flannels with elastic at the waistband. Long sleeved white shirt.
       Hamilton tie (navy with horizontal stripes).
       Navy long sleeved V-neck jersey/ Navy pullover
       Navy with gold stripe school tracksuit top may also be worn
       Black school shoes with navy socks with 3 x gold stripes
       Navy tights may be worn under navy and gold striped socks.
       Grey long flannels, long sleeve white shirt and school tie, navy 
       long sleeve V-Neck jersey/navy pullover, black school shoes with navy 3 x gold stripes socks. 
       The navy track suit top may be worn as an alternative to the jersey. 


  6.3.1 Athletics: 
      Navy blue  golf shirt with collar and white shorts. The navy blue golf shirt with 
      collar is available from the school shop.

  6.3.2 Cricket: 
      White school shirt, white shorts, white takkies to be worn with school socks. 

  6.3.3 Mini Tennis: 
      White shirt, white shorts, white socks and takkies. 

  6.3.4 Netball: 
      Netball skirts and bibs will be provided. Navy blue golf shirt with collar 
      (available from the school), white socks and takkies must be worn. 

6.3.5 Soccer: 
      Soccer kit will be provided by the school. Boys must have their own soccer boots. 

6.3.6 Swimming:
     Navy blue or black Speedo type costume for both boys and girls.Full costume for girls compulsory.
     It is compulsory for all girls and boys to wear a yellow  swimming 
     cap available from the clothing shop. 

6.3.7 Physical Education: 
  Boys : 
     White shorts and navy blue  golf shirt with collar or the yellow or red house T shirt obtainable from the clothing shop. 
  Girls : 
     White shorts and navy blue golf shirt with collar or the yellow or red house T shirt obtainable from the clothing shop.
 It is compulsory for a child to attend school at the beginning of the year in which 
    he/she turns 7 (seven). 

  A child younger than the compulsory school going age may be admitted to a state-aided 
  school provided that he/she has reached the age of 6 (six) before 30th June. The entry into
 Hamilton School is Grade R for children 5 years old turning 6.	No Grade R learner can be guaranteed 
 an automatic placement in Grade 1 for the following year.
 When registering a child at Hamilton Primary School for the first time, the following will be required: 
 Original unabridged Birth Certificate / I.D. Document of the child. 
 Original I.D. Documents of the parents. 
 Clinic Card showing proof of inoculation against: polio, measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B. 
 Most recent official (original) water and lights account. 
 Copy of contract / lease of residence if living within the school zone.
 If the child is adopted, legal proof of adoption from the courts. Affidavits will not be accepted.
 If a Legal Guardian, legal proof of guardianship. Affidavits will not be accepted
 A deposit equal to three months school fees is required. 
 Media Centre Card obtainable from the office at a fee determined by the Governing Body.
Immigrants need to produce legal and current residence status in the country and  a study permit for the relevant child.
Visit the website of the department of home affairs for further details.
No e-mail  regarding admissions will be answered due to the volume of mails recieved
8.1 Transfer documents must be requested from the office at least 
    one week before the actual transfer date. 
8.2 Transfer cards will not be issued until all text and library books have been returned and 
    outstanding fees are paid in full. 
8.3 When a child has to leave the school temporarily during school hours, a letter giving the 
    reason, must be sent to the principal. The child must then be signed out in the register 
    at the office.No child will be permitted to leave the school premises without proper escort. 
8.4 Doctor's appointments must please be made for the afternoons. 
8.5 No child may be absent from school without proper cause. A doctor's letter or letter from 
    the parents explaining the child's absence, must accompany the child on his/her 
    return to school.
The school must at all times be kept informed of the correct home address and telephone number, 
as well as work telephone numbers of the parents. 
10.1 School fees at Hamilton School are compulsory. Hamilton School is registered as a section 21 school. 
10.2 All school fees must be paid on or before the seventh (7th) day of the month. 
10.3 All school fees must be paid directly into the schools Nedbank account using the childs admission number as a reference. 
10.4 All outstanding school fees will be handed over to the schools debt collectors at the end of November.
11.1 Parent involvement is crucial to the smooth running of any school. Please become involved 
     in the various activities offered at the school. 
11.2 Take an interest in your child's school work. It means you care.
Circulars are an important form of communication and will be handed out mostly on a Wednesday. Please 
read them carefully and keep at hand for further reference. This will mean that you will not 
have to make unnecessary phone calls to the office. 
13.1 WITH THE PRINCIPAL: All appointments must be made through the office. As the principal and 
     teachers have to deal with the every day running of the school, time is of the utmost 
     importance. Nobody will be seen without an appointment. 
13.2 STAFF All teachers have a full teaching load and may not be interrupted during lessons. 
     Appointments must be made through the office or your child's homework book before seeing the relevant teacher. The 
     teachers are available for consultation between 13:50 and 14:30, Mondays to Thursdays. 
     Please make appointments at least one day in advance.
Discipline is of the utmost importance. Misconduct and undisciplined
behaviour will be dealt with immediately.
15.1 GR 1 - GR 3 and LSEN: Homework should not take longer than 15 minutes a day. 
15.2 GR 4 - GR 7: Gr 4 : 20 minutes Gr 5 : 30 minutes Gr 6 : 45 minutes Gr 7 : 60 minutes 
     In certain instances homework will exceed these times. Homework must be done timeously. 
16.1 FOUNDATION PHASE: No formal tests are written. The learners are 
     assessed continuously. Grade 3 learners will write a common exam as per the GDE timeframe. CAPS is taught in the Foundation Phase. 
 16.2 INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR PHASE: Continuous evaluation is done in class. At least one official test is 
    written per term. Examinations are written at the end of the year.Grade 6 learners will write a common exam at the end of terms 2 and 4. CAPS 
     is taught in the intermediate and senior phase of the school.
Reports are handed out to parents at the end of each term at parents evening.This is usually on the last Thursday or second last day of the term in the school hall from 16:00 to 17:30
There are at least three parents evenings per year. Dates and times will be supplied 
beforehand. These are usually at the end of the first second and third terms. Parents evening 
at the end of the fourth term is by appointment only. Parents will be requested to see teachers 
to discuss the performance of their child throughout the year if need be. 
19.1  All personal items must be clearly marked with the child's name. The school cannot be held 
         responsible for lost or damaged property. 
19.2  All lost property will be donated to charity at the end of each term. 
19.3 When lost property is claimed the child will be required to pay a fine of R 1,00 per item.
         This money must please be deducted from the child's pocket money. 
19.4  No toys are allowed at school. These items will be confiscated. 
The Media Centre forms the heart of the school.The Media Centre is open for use by learners 
during school hours, second break (11:30 - 11:45) and every afternoon from 13:30 - 14:30
except Fridays. The Centre is divided into two sections, namely the Junior and Senior sections.
A fine will be levied on books that are returned late. Lost books will have to be replaced or 
paid for at a rate determined by the Governing Body of the school.Staff are on duty every 
afternoon to assist the learners. Books may only be taken out if the learner is in possession 
of a Media Centre Card.
Hamilton Primary School offers a wide variety of sport and cultural activities. These activities 
form an important part in the development of the child. Every child in the school must make an 
effort to participate in at least one activity. Activities offered are: Athletics,Cricket - Boys, Mini Cricket - Junior boys and girls,
Mini Tennis - Juniors,Netball,Soccer,Swimming,Art Club,Chess,Choir/Percussion Band/Theatre Group,
Computer Club,Remedial Classes and Garden Club
A full list of rules is available from the office on request. All learners must be at school 
by 07:25. No learner may leave the school during school hours without consent. No defacing or 
writing on school property. Toilets must be kept clean and tidy at all times. All school 
functions must be attended in full school uniform. Chewing gum and smoking is strictly forbidden
as well as Pornography and drugs. No dangerous weapons may be brought to school for whatever reason.
 Teachers must be addressed in a friendly and courteous manner. No cell phones allowed.
23.1 GIRLS:
          Practical, neat and clean hair styles. 
          Hair may not hang over eyes . 
          Hair that is longer than shoulder length must be pinned or tied back. 
          Punk styles, gels, oils, etc. are not permitted. 
          Alice bands or bobbles must be navy blue or white. 
          Hair may not be coloured. 
23.2 BOYS: 
          Hair must be short and not touch the ears or collar. 
          The fringe must be at least 2 cm above the eyes. 
          Different styles, steps, gel, oil etc, are not permitted.
24.1 GIRLS :
          Pierced Ears: Metal studs and sleepers no larger than 10 mm may be worn. 
          No chains, bracelets or rings may be worn. Medic Alert and S.O.S. bracelets are 
          No make-up or nail polish is allowed. 
24.2 BOYS:
          No jewellery, except Medic Alert or S.O.S. bracelets may be worn. No earrings are allowed.
A list of requirements for the different Grades for the following year will be in the final report orĀ is available
from the office at an additional cost. Stationery packs can be ordered through the school during November for the following year. Cost is for the parent.


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